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Jennifer Reaburn Bio



I am joyful and grateful to work with Jennifer Reaburn, inspiring yoga and mindfulness teacher, to create this content for HUM. If ever there was a person authentically living yoga every day, it's Jennifer. With kindness, compassion and creativity, she weaves a tapestry of mindfulness, poetry, gratitude, connection to the earth, the power of intention, reverence for the ancient teachings, and limitless curiosity into her yoga practice and her teachings. Her yoga journey began in 2000, when a health scare led her to investigate mind-body connections and to the realization that she had been living with trauma and a sense of disconnection from her body.  She dove into healing that disconnection, and headed off to India for a life-changing year of solo travel, learning and yoga.  Yoga became a big part of her life, and she practiced for 10 years before being called to teach.  Now, trained in various styles of yoga, in evidence-based movement science, trauma-informed care, philosophy, breath work, and mindfulness meditation, she has a broad and varied palette to paint with when she teaches, and no class is ever the same. Each one is open-hearted, fun, both challenging and accessible, inviting presence through body and breath.  She is also part of an important county-wide mission to support the wellness of children and youth by bringing mindfulness and yoga into schools.  Her ultimate goal as a teacher is to empower people with the tools to notice and choose what is right for them moment by moment, both on the mat and off.


Jennifer Reaburn Yoga