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July 09, 2022

Here’s a question to ponder…what does abundance mean to you?  It’s something to really think about. 

Since I’ve been living this mindful lifestyle with meditation and yoga as my guides, my perspective has changed completely and all my senses have been awakened.  So I am much more aware of the abundance that surrounds me than I ever was before.  I often stop and just marvel…wow!!!…at what is right in front of me.  The summer seems to make it more obvious, with the luxuriant shades of green vegetation, the abundance of flowers and blossoms, the incredibly varied and colourful local produce available at the farmers market.

Abundance is also a plenitude of love, friendship, experiences, ideas, freedom, clean water, good health, views, thriving nature…

It’s all a gift.  And sometimes we forget to recognize and appreciate this abundance.

I believe that abundance is a state of mind and heart…and a daily practice.  When we feel connected to the vast abundance of our lives, when we have confidence that life is generous and supporting and that we will always have what we need and desire…then we can naturally be more trusting and generous and caring and respecting of other and of the earth.  And we can attract even more abundance into our lives.

So today I invite you to open your arms, your heart and your mind to the abundance that’s all around you.

Here are 4 easy and essential ways to practice abundance, all of which will contribute daily to your abundance mindset:

I keep coming back to mindfulness…the art of paying attention. It is such a powerful way of living.  The easiest and fastest way to bring more abundance into your life is to simply notice the abundance of beautiful things that are already there.  At any moment, even the deepest and darkest ones, you have the power to take a breath, to ground yourself in the present moment and notice the abundance around you, to realize that there is always enough, that we are all connected…and that everything will be OK.

Try this:  Take a breath and steady yourself in this exact moment…what beauty and bounty do you notice?  Do you consider this to be abundance?  What is abundance for you?

What goes around, comes around. Some people call it karma. I’ve noticed that the more I give with no expectations of a return, the more I receive. Giving doesn’t just mean giving gifts and “things”. You can be generous with your time, with your compassion, your listening skills, your support. Going a little further by making the things you do a little extra special is also a gift. And when some one offers you a gift or an act of kindness, whatever it may be accept it gracefully. That’s generosity as well.

Try this:  Is there an act of kindness you can do for someone today? How can you bring more gestures of generosity into your life?

Gratitude is the key to an abundance mindset.  Acknowledge and appreciate what you have instead of worrying about what you don’t have. This is the way to welcome abundance into your life. Practicing gratitude is easy and can be done every day.  I’ve found that the easiest way is to time one minute at the end of my meditation to focus on what I’m grateful for each day.

Try this: Take one minute, right now, to think about 5 things you are grateful for today.  What is the easiest way for you to practice daily gratitude?

One of the beauties of life is that you get to choose how you want to feel.  So please choose joy.  Joy allows you to see the world differently, it will inspire you and activate your imagination and your opportunities for abundance.  Joyful people take on the world and all it has to offer with a different energy than those who view it from a less positive, lower energy perspective.  If you choose to stay in fear in any of its forms (worry, jealousy, brooding…) you steal opportunities from yourself to see the moments of joy and abundance that already are there, all around you, waiting.  So do yourself a favour and cultivate joy everyday.

Try this: What is one thing that has brought you joy or a sense of deep contentment today?  What can you do cultivate joy in your life every single day?  


There are over 90 articles to inspire you on the HUM LIFE blog.  Here are some that are particularly relevant to the theme of practicing abundance.
9 Ways to Shift Your Mindset and Cultivate Your Abundant Life
10 Ways to Cultivate Joy
5 Easy Ways to Thanks Your Lucky Stars
Savour the Moment
See Things Differently: 7 Fun Ways to Practice Mindfulness

And don’t forget the HOME PRACTICE page, a wealth of ideas for your yoga and meditation practice and for your home sanctuary.


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