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March 15, 2025


Part 3


In the ancient Eastern traditions, it is believed that all matter and energy in the Universe was created from the most perfectly harmonious sound generated by Sanskrit bija. Bija translates to “seed” in Sanskrit and a bija mantra is a single sound, a “seed” syllable. Bija mantras are the most powerful of all.  They can be used on their own or combined with other Sanskrit words in a longer mantra.

The best known bija is OM, the most sacred and powerful of the bija mantras.  OM is pure vibration, considered to be the primordial sound of the universe. It connects us to universal vibration and energy, connects with all other living beings…and maybe even with a higher power. 

HUM is another powerful bija mantra (and my favourite of course). The HUM bija is a Shiva mantra that is used to destroy negativity and to invoke creativity, passion and fiery brilliance.  It also represents an all-encompassing spirit of wisdom and enlightenment.  For me, it is the invocation of a state of mind and heart I want to embody, and it's the intentional manifestation of a dream and a creative vision.

Bijas are powerful tools for quickly activating specific vibrational frequencies.  They are short and easy to remember, easy to chant.

There are many different bijas that are used for different purposes.  Here a just a few examples of how different bijas are used, often the same bija for a several purposes:

  • Shakti bija mantras: use these to awaken Kundalini energy (Shakti) and divine feminine energy. For example, OM, HUM, SHREEM, HREEM, KREEM, AIM
  • Element bija mantras: to connect with and activate the 5 elements: for example LAM for earth, RAM for fire
  • Deity bija mantras: to invoke a specific Hindu god or goddess:  such as HUM for Shiva, SHREEM for Lakshmi, KREEM for Kali
  • Chakra bija mantras: 7 bija mantras to connect with and help balance the energy of each of your 7 chakras.

The close connection between chakras and bija mantras is perhaps the most familiar for yogis like us. 

The 7 chakras are the body’s 7 energy centres in the yogic tradition.  “Chakra” in Sanskrit translates to “wheel”.   You can imagine them as 7 spinning wheels located in seven spots along the spine, from the root chakra at the very base of the spine up to the crown chakra at the top of the head.   Each chakra is associated with a different colour as well as with different organ systems, different aspects of our physical, emotional and spiritual journey.

And each chakra vibrates with the particular energy and frequency of a specific bija mantra: OM, SHAM, HAM, YAM, RAM, VAM, LAM.

Each bija can be chanted to activate, unblock and balance its specific chakra.  And as with all Sanskrit mantras, it depends on your intention.

For example, your solar plexus chakra (manipura) is the home of your personal power, your inner fire (called agni). When activated, your inner fire gives you the spark and the strength to do anything you want.  Balancing this chakra empowers your true self to shine brightly.  The solar plexus chakra is related to the bija mantra RAM.  So one of the ways to connect with your inner fire and balance your solar plexus chakra is to chant RAM over and over, either aloud or silently. Visualize the vibrations flowing straight to your solar plexus chakra, stoking your inner fire.



  • Inhale fully and then on the exhale chant all the chakra bija mantras in one long phrase: LAM-VAM-RAM-YAM-HAM-SHAM-OM-(silence).
  • Chant this mantra seven times, once for each chakra
  • If you find one sound that really resonates with you, it may be a sign, repeat that one several times



Root Chakra Yoga: 8 Poses to Get Grounded

Unleash Your Creativity: 7 Ways to Connect With Your Sacral Chakra

Ignite Your Inner Fire: 5 Ways to Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Yoga to Unlock the Power of Your Heart Chakra

8 Ways to Balance Your Throat Chakra


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