March 22, 2025

Do you have a mala, a traditional beaded necklace with a tassel?  Many yogis do, often wearing the mala necklaces or bracelets as jewellery.  Perhaps it reminds them of their spiritual journey or of their intentions.  Perhaps they want to absorb the particular energy of the stones their mala is made of. 

But did you know that a mala is actually a tool for meditation?  

“Mala” is the Sanskrit word for garland.  A mala is a traditional tool used for japa meditation, and “japa” is a Sanskrit word that means repetition.  The mala is a tool to help you focus your mind and count your mantra as you repeat it 108 times, passing the mala through your fingers, one repetition per bead. The mała allows you to stay focused and to keep track of the number of repetitions.  And the mala is like a tactile anchor in your hand helping you to stay grounded and present in your practice.  And it remains a physical reminder of your intentions.

Malas have been used for japa meditation for thousands of years.  If you take a look at a traditional mala, you’ll see it is made up of specific components and each has a purpose:

  • 108 beads - one bead for each of your 108 mantra repetitions
  • Some malas include 3 pause beads which divide your meditation journey into 4 groups of 27 repetitions for a total of 108.  These pause beads are not for mantra repetition, they are for a tiny pause in your journey around the mala.  
  • Guru bead (or “meru” bead which means mountain in Sanskrit) - this is the 109th bead, the large bead at the bottom where the tassel is located.  It is the start and end of each cycle of 108 repetitions and is called the guru bead and represents the master teacher. This bead should never be crossed when you are doing japa meditation, it is a reminder to give thanks to the ones who have guided you on your spiritual path.
  • Tassel - represents the lotus and is a symbol of the connection to all others

108. Yes…108 repetitions. And so the traditional mala includes 108 beads. Why 108?

108 is a sacred and significant number, and has been revered since ancient times.  Mystics have said that numbers can offer a secret language for understanding and awakening, that they can be messengers for us on our journey.  There are many scientific coincidences, philosophical and spiritual beliefs around the number 108.  Learn more HERE, 108: The Sacred Significance.

Here’s how to practice japa meditation with your mala:

  • Before you begin, choose your mantra being clear on your intention (see HERE for some ideas).  Or just use OM as your mantra.
  • Find a quiet spot and settle in for your meditation, in whatever way is most comfortable for you.
  • Hold your mala in your dominant hand and place your opposite hand on on your knee or in your lap, palm up to symbolize openness.
  • Hold the mala between your thumb and third or fourth finger. Never use your index finger to hold your mala as the index finger is the symbol of the ego (and we don’t want ego and judgment in our practice, right?!).
  • Begin with the bead that is closest to the guru bead and to the right of it.
    Chant/say/whisper/think your mantra while holding the bead.
    Then move to the next bead, moving away from the guru bead, and repeat your mantra.
  • Continue your way around your mala saying your mantra while holding each bead.
  • Some mantras have pause beads where you can just take a small break and a breath before continuing with your 108 mantras.  The pause bead is not for mantra repetition.
  • Your cycle is finished when you are back at the guru bead.  Take a moment to thank the teachers that have guided you on your journey.
    If you wish to continue, don’t cross the guru bead, simply reverse direction.
  • Always say your mantra with love in your heart - they say that one mantra said with love is worth more than a thousand said devoid of love

The HUM Insight Mala

The beautiful HUM Insight Mala is infused with an abundance of beautiful energy, the power of the “SO HUM” mantra, and a careful selection of stones making it a tool for transformation, designed specifically to support your intentions and to raise your vibration. It's a powerful combination of 108 labradorite and clear quartz beads, plus our custom designed sterling silver pause beads. The sterling silver guru bead is inscribed with the Sanskrit “SO HUM” mantra which means “I AM that”. This mantra represents an all-encompassing spirit of wisdom and enlightenment offering you insights for your journey. It connects you with your inner teacher and supports your intentions. It’s a powerful mantra. Find yours HERE.


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