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September 05, 2020

A little gift of abundance for you ... 8 Favourite Recipes and tips to make them mindfully, from market to table


Saturday morning is my favourite time of the week, the time for our local farmers market.  We are very fortunate in the small town where I live, we have wonderful farmers who bring their gorgeous, fresh harvest each week. 


Tuning into this abundance that surrounds me and savouring the incredible sensorial experience of the morning market is one of my favourite ways to practice mindfulness.   It's always a feast for all the senses.  Just noticing the incredible colours, shapes and textures, the sweet scents the waft up from the herbs and fruits and flowers, the harvest that changes as the season evolves...what will we find this week?  It’s hard to be anywhere else but in the present moment when you are surrounded by such goodness!   


And then I love to gather my market bounty onto my counter to admire the beauty that our farmers have created, fruits and vegetables nurtured from seeds to full harvest. Each week my beautiful bounty looks different and becomes a new array of vegetarian dishes and preparations for our table and our freezer. It always unleashes my kitchen creativity.


Cooking is an exercise in mindfulness for me, I find it very calming, an easy way to relieve stress.  


And so I invite you to bring this daily activity into your own mindfulness practice.  To inspire your mindfulness in the kitchen, I’d like to introduce you to HUM YUM - Summer Abundance Edition. This FREE downloadable e-book includes 8 VEGETARIAN RECIPES and TIPS TO MAKE THEM MINDFULLY, from market to table:

  • 2 Easy things to do with a half-bushel of Roma tomatoes
  • 3 Great things to do with tender eggplant
  • Zucchini 2 ways
  • My favourite summer soup


This is JUST FOR FUN, another way to bring mindfulness into your life. Developing mindfulness can bring you so many benefits in your life, and will always anchor your yoga and meditation practice.


Click on the image below, or this LINK to HUM Yum Summer Abundance 2020.


Bon appetit!


HUM YUM Summer Abundance 2020, 8 recipes and how to make them mindfully


REMINDER: And if you haven't yet discovered it, the I AM Abundance yoga practice is a fun and flowing practice with generous movements intended to help you tune into the abundance that surrounds you and which is in you, always. Just click HERE to find I AM Abundance in our series of Intention-Based Yoga Practices.


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